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Field Guide to Look Alike Sharks and Rays Species of Southeast Asian Region

Despite their significance, most sharks and rays species look very similar and d...

A Review of Biodiversity-Related Issues and Challenges in Megadiverse Indonesia ...

Indonesia is one of the ten member states of the economically and politically di...

DNA Barcoding: Foundations And Applications For Southeast Asian Freshwater Fishe...

Identifying and delineating species are the primary tasks of taxonomy. Owing to ...

Phylogeny of Epilachna, Henosepilachna, and Some Minor Genera of Phytophagous La...

Ladybird beetles in the tribe Epilachnini include notorious crop pests and model...

The Diversity of Terrestrial Araceae in Mt. Watuwila Complex, South-East of Sula...

The arums comprise the family of Araceae, including the numerous aroids subfamil...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Phylogeny, diversity, and biogeography of Southeast Asian spiny rats (Maxomys)


Knowledge of the diversity and relationships of species in many groups of plants and animals in Southeast Asia is severely limited, preventing an integrative understanding of evolutionary and ecological processes in island archipelagos. We generated a 3-locus DNA sequence data set to estimate phylogenetic relationships among species and populations of Maxomys, a genus of rodents endemic to Southeast Asia. Our inclusion of Crunomys as a potential outgroup supported the monophyly of Crunomys, but the genus was deeply nested within Maxomys. Because of the relatively ancient divergences (mean uncorrected p-distances up to 0.15 in cytochrome-b sequences) among species of Maxomys and short branch lengths among basal lineages of the phylogeny, we obtained little support for the oldest relationships in Maxomys + Crunomys. However, our analyses revealed unrecognized diversity in the form of divergent populations both between and within island and the presence of 2 potentially undescribed species from Sulawesi. The Maxomys and Crunomys of Sulawesi belonged to 4 clades sister to extralimital species, suggesting that repeated overwater dispersal between Sundaland–Philippines and Sulawesi was an important isolating mechanism in the history of this group. Journal of Mammalogy, 2013, vol. 94, no.6, pp. 1412-1423

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