Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Cauliflora is a botanical term referring to plants which flower and fruit from t...
Trevesia termasuk tumbuhan suku mangkok-mangkokan (Araliaceae), yang unik dan me...
In order to know the habitat preference gradation for gall-forming insects from ...
Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Bogor sebagai lembaga konservasi ex-situ ti...
Keanekaragaman koleksi anggrek Kebun Raya Bogor sangat tinggi, mulai dari bunga ...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Regenerasi Heritiera percoriaceae Kosterm. di Kebun Raya Bogor
Heritiera percoriaceae Kosterm has an endangered category in IUCN red list. This species is known only from Ujung Kulon and Sukawayana, a remnant forest near Pelabuhan Ratu. The Ujung Kulon population occurs in a national park but continues to be threatened by illegal logging, fuelwood collection, infrastructure development, and agricultural encroachment. On the other hand, no seedling found under the tree of H. percoriacea, although bearing fruit. Information about the regeneration of this species is still limited. This research has conducted to predict cause of regeneration of Heritiera percoriacea in the natural habitat. Flowering, fruiting, seedling under the tree in the garden, seed germination in the nursery, and microscopic flower morphology were observed in Bogor Botanic Garden. The result showed that regeneration of H. percoriaceae was blocked by many flowers fall cause of rain and wind, fruit fall by plant diseases, and no seed germination without the treatment. Dodo lihat Kusuma, Yayan W.C. 2011 (088) Dodo lihat Putri, Winda Utami 2011 (140) Prosiding Seminar Konservasi Tumbuhan Tropika: Kondisi Terkini dan Tantangan ke Depan. UPT Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Cibodas, 7 April hal. 66-70