Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
The species of Schismatogobius from Indonesia are reviewed and compared to the k...
The genus Dichaetophora Duda comprises 61 described species classified into four...
A new species of the Drosophila (Drosophila) melanica species group (Diptera: Dr...
Six new species of the Drosophila robusta species group are described from South...
Fourteen species of Macrophthalmus Desmarest, 1823, are reported from Indonesia,...
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Review of the Cirolana ‘Pleonastica-Group’ (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae) With Description Of Four New Species From The Indo Malaysian Region
Four new species and Cirolana curtensis Bruce, 1986, all of the here diagnosed Cirolana ‘pleonastica group’(previously known as Cirolana ‘tuberculate-group’), are described and redescribed from Singapore, Indonesia, and Australia. All species are coral-reef dwellers. Two of the new species are locally endemic in Singapore and two in Indonesia. The Cirolana‘pleonastica-group’ is characterised by the absence of rostral point; dorsal surface of at least pereonites 6 and or 7, pleonites (usually 3–5) and pleotelson with transverse rows of nodules and tubercles ornamentation; pleotelson lateral margins straight or weakly to moderately sinuate and the posterior margin narrow, truncate or narrowly rounded; penial process mostly opening flush; uropodal exopod lateral margin with widely spaced and acute robust setae. A list of species of Cirolana ‘pleonastica-group’ worldwide is provided. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Vol. 66. 20 March 2018. P: 177-207