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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Informasi Dataset




Dataset Serupa
Selection Of Avocado Plants Based On Fruit Characters, Fat Content And Continual...

Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) belongs to Lauraceae family, is originated from...

Spread Of Invasive Plants Along Trails In Two National Parks In West Java, Indon...

The increase of alien invasive plants in biological reserves is a major threat t...

The Diversity of Mangifera indica Cultivars in Subang West Java Based on Morphol...

The wide distribution and high species diversity produce large variation of its ...

The clusiaceae of limestone forests in Bogor, West Java: Plant Profiles and Valu...

Limestone karsts are known as reservoir of biodiversity with high level of endem...

The Effect of NPK Fertilizer and Planting Media on Plant Growth and Saponin Cont...

Rivai RR, Wardani FF, Zulkarnaen RN. 2017. The effect of NPK fertilizer and plan...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Selection of Avocado Plants Based on Fruit Characters, Fat Content, and Continual Harvest along the year in West Java-Indonesia


Published at IJASEIT Vol.6 (2016) No. 1 ISSN: 2088-5334

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