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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Transplantation of Enhalus acoroides on a Sedimentary Beach in Ambon Bay

Coastal development in Ambon Bay has been contributing to coastal ecosystem degr...

Transplantation of Enhalus acoroides on a sedimentary beach in Ambon Bay

Coastal development in Ambon Bay has been contributing to coastal ecosystem degr...

Bloom of Pyrodinium bahamense var compressum in Ambon Bay, eastern Indonesia

In 1996 the illness of more than 30 people and the deathof 3 children after cons...

Recent blooming of Pyrodinium bahamense var compressum in Ambon Bay, eastren Ind...

In Indonesia, Pyrodinium bahamense var.compressum was first recorded in Kao Bay ...

The advantages and adaptations of endothermy in oceanic fishes

Pengaturan suhu tubuh pada ikan laut dapat dibagi dua yaitu ektotermi dan endote...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Sensible heat transfer on atmospheric-oceanic boundary in the outer Ambon Bay of Indonesia


Analysis of air-sea temperatures and sensible heat flux was conducted to investigate heat transfer processon the atmospheric-oceanic boundary for the outer Ambon Bay. The analysis used SST data derived from bothsatellite product and in situ measurement using linear regression method, as well as meteorological data such asair temperature and wind speed during daytime. The goals of the current work were to evaluate the relationshipbetween SST and air temperature in the outer Ambon Bay, and to investigate the variation of sensible heat flux inassociation with seasonal variability of the bay. The major findings were: 1) SST was predominantly lower than airtemperature, resulting in the dominance of negative feedback process on the atmospheric-oceanic boundary layerof the bay; 2) the seasonal SST variability was influenced by land heating and upwelling in the Banda Sea; 3) landheating resulted in large gradient of air-sea temperatures, whereas cooler upwelled waters exerted an opposite effect.Keywords: atmospheric-oceanic boundary, SST, air temperature, heat flux, Ambon Bay. Mar. Res. Indonesia Vol.38, No.1, 2013: 21−29

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