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Peroksidasi Lipida Oleh Parasetamol Dan Ekstrak Air Panas Teh Hijau (Camellia Si...

The use of C. tropicalis cell as a tool to evaluate antioxidant property of gree...

Efek Proteksi Ekstrak Air Panas Buah Mahkota Dewa Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) ...

Yeast Candida tropiclis had been used as a cell model to investigate effects of ...

Toksisitas Asetaminofen pada Khamir Candida tropicalis

Use of the yeast for cell based method to do a screening substances having anti-...

Cekaman Oksidasi Sel Khamir Candida tropicalis yang Diperlakukan dengan Paraseta...

In order to more understand similarity of yeast Candida tropicalis with mammalia...

Penguraian Parasetamol oleh Sel dan Protein Ekstraselular Khamir Candida tropica...

Yeast can be used as cell model to study toxicity in mammalian cell. In the prev...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Sifat Proteksi Ekstrak Air Panas Teh Hijau (Camellia Sinensis) Pada Khamir Candida Tropicalis Yang Diperlakukan Dengan Paracetamol


In order to develop yeast Candida tropicalis. as a model cell for evaluation of substance having anti- or pro-oxidant activity in cell level, the effect of hot water tea extract on peroxidized lipids, a marker of oxidative stress and cell mortality in the yeast caused by paracetamol has been evaluated. Incubation of yeast cell in the presence of 1.38 persen green tea for 2 h decreased cell viability followed with increasing of peroxidized lipids, whereas 0.27 persen green tea caused increasing of peroxidized lipids with out causing cell death. Yeast cell was not affected by 0.1 persen green tea. Incubation of yeast cell with presence of 0.15 persen (g/v) paracetamol for 2 h did not cause cell mortality, however content of peroxidized lipids increased significantly. In the presence of higher dose of paracetamol (0.3 persen) cell viability remarkably decreased and followed with increasing of peroxidized lipids significantly. Green tea of 0.1 persen increased cell viability of cells treated with 0.3 persen paracetamol while peroxidised lipids decreased. The data indicated that high dose of paracetamol caused oxidative stress in yeast cells, while green tea with lower concentration might protect paracetamol toxicity due to its antioxidant property. Although the antioxidant property, high dose of green tea could cause oxidation due to its pro-oxidant activity. In conclusion, yeast C. tropicalis could be potentially used as a model cell to evaluate substances having antioxidant property in cell level. Berita Biologi. Vol. 10. December 2011. P: 763-770.

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