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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Simulation of Effect of Orientation Distribution Parameters of MWNT Fiber on Ten...

In the previous work, we have studied the effect of orientation distribution par...

The effect of aeration on the distribution of microalgae concentrate

Microalgae concentrates (paste) can be used as an alternative feed to replace li...

Simulasi Pengaruh Parameter Distribusi Orientasi serat MWNT terhadap Kekuatan Ta...

Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh parameter distribusi orientasi serat...

The Substitution Effects of Oil Palm Shell Charcoal, Coconut Fiber and Oil Palm ...

Research on development of composite for railway brake blocks with natural resou...

Manufacture of Oriented Board Using Mild Steam Treatment of Plant Fiber Bundles

This study investigated the effects of mild steam treatment (0.1 MPa for 2 h) of...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Simulation of Effect of Orientation Distribution Parameters of MWNT Fiber on Elastic Moduli of Hybrid Composites Epoxy/Glass-MWNT


The effect of orientation distribution parameters on elastic moduli of hybrid composites Glass/Epoxy-MWNT has been observed. Hybrid composites were treated as polymer/continuous fiber/short fiber composites. Some researchers stated that short fiber orientation cannot be neglected due to important role to mechanical properties of composites. In this research elastic moduli of hybrid composites were calculated by using Rule of Hybrid Mixtures (RoHM). In RoHM, hybrid composites are made of two types of composites: continuous fiber reinforced composites and short fiber reinforced composites. The elastic moduli of fiber reinforced composites were calculated by using laminate analogy approach (LAA) and by applying various combinations of fiber orientation distribution parameters, while elastic moduli of continuous fiber reinforced composites were calculated by using Rule of Mixtures. Finally elastic moduli of hybrid composites were calculated by using RoHM. The results of this research showed that orientation distribution of MWNT fiber would affect the elastic moduli of hybrid composites. Asian Transactions on Science & Technology (ATST), Vol. 3, No. 3. Hal. 1-8 ISSN 2221-4283

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