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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Analysis of Librarians in the Research Data Services for Research and Developmen...

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi Pustakawan terkait Layanan Da...

Analysis of Librarians in the Research Data Services for Research and Developmen...

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi Pustakawan terkait Layanan Da...

Antibacterial activity and mode of action of (+)-2,2'-epicytoskyrin A

Antibacterial activity of (+)-2,2\'-epicytoskyrin A, a main metabolite from cult...

A list of the most-studied and the least studied Sulawesi mammals

The document contains a list of most and least studied Sulawesi mammals based on...

A list of the most-studied and the least studied Sulawesi mammals

The document contains a list of most and least studied Sulawesi mammals based on...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Spontaneous Taking and Posting Selfie : Reclaiming The Lost Trust dalam buku : Selfies as a Mode of Social Media and Work Space Research


Spontaneous Taking and Posting Selfie : Reclaiming The Lost Trust dalam buku : Selfies as a Mode of Social Media and Work Space Research, Editor : Hai-Jew, Shalin, Penerbit: IGI Global (hal 28-50) On social media where people are struggling to attract others’ attentions, posting selfies is the most convenient way to communicate their individuality. They do not need anyone’s assistance to take their picture, and they can take it anytime and post it immediately on social media. Bodily appearance has always been an influence in how an individual is perceived and treated by her social environment. Fortunately, on social media this appearance has transformed into information, which, therefore, can be manipulated by computers or even smartphones. With the help of digital image processing software fulfilling the beauty standard of any virtual community is no longer a concern. However, this chapter argues that this technology destroys the realism of a photograph, makes its reliability almost like that of a statement, which depends on its human source, not on itself. This creates the problem of trust, and many users seek to overcome it by spontaneous taking and posting a casual and inelegant selfie. Selfies as a Mode of Social Media and Work Space Research, Editor : Hai-Jew, Shalin, Penerbit : IGI Global, 2017

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