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State of knowledge on marine palynology in Indonesia

Pollen analyses of marine sediments contribute to reconstructions of the vegetat...

The Importance of Basic Science for Sustainable Marine Development in Indonesia

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Status of Drug Discovery Research Based on Marine Organisms from Eastern Indones...

Despite the vastness of Eastern Indonesian Waters (EIW), no review has been done...

Status of Drug Discovery Research Based on Marine Organisms from Eastern Indones...

Despite the vastness of Eastern Indonesian Waters(EIW),no review has been done o...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

State of Knowledge on Marine Palynology in Indonesia


Pollen analyses of marine sediments contribute to reconstructions of the vegetation and climate, as well as to environment changes and human-environment interactions, which is reflected in marine sediments of Indonesian waters. Furthermore, factors controlling pollen deposition are of particular importance, like in the Indonesian region where the whole climate system is driven mostly by the monsoon reversal. In this paper, I review some palynology studies in Indonesia, and I found out that there were not any marine pollen studies during the Last Glacial – Holocene in Indonesia area, especially in the Eastern Indonesia. Review results show that during that time, although temperatures were lower, there were differences on humid-arid climate indications in each region which were characterized by discrepancy vegetation. Detailed analysis of past environmental, climate and land use history in the Indonesian region is essential to obtain better understanding of human-environment relationships and to prevent uncertainties in future development of the region. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 118. Hal. 1-7

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