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Struktur dan Komposisi Jenis-Jenis Pohon di Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani bagian Selatan, Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat ( Structure and Composition Tree Species in Southern of Rinjani Mountain National Park, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara )


Plant ecology study has been conducted in the southern part of Rinjani Mountain National Park on April 2015 to determine the structure and composition of tree species. Four plots, 30 x 30 m each was established at four locations, that is; Pal-Belanda (1046 m asl), Pengorot-1 (929 m asl), Pengorot-2 (820 m asl), and Sebau (1134 m asl). The results showed that there are two types of forest in the sites, namely the high secondary forest and primary forest. From all plots (0.36 ha) we found 36 species of trees (trunk diameter > 5 cm) of 449 individuals, 28 genus and 21 families with a total Basal Area of 16.73 m2 (46.47 m2/ha). Shannon Diversity Index (H\') in the Pengorot-2 recorded 1.15, followed Pengorot-1 (1,13), Pal-Belanda (1,03) and Sebau (0,72). Saurauia pendula recorded as the dominant species in all site with Important Value Species (IVS) of 245 persen followed Dendrocnide microstigma (IVS = 162.0 persen), Platea excelsa (IVS = 148.2 persen), Syzygium glomeruliferum (IVS = 72.0 persen) and Symplocos cochinchinensis (IVS = 49.3 persen). Myrtaceae and Euphorbiaceae were the common families in the sites. Structure and composition of tree species in the Pal-Belanda, Pengorot-1 and Pengorot-2 were relative similar (Similarity Index 70.3 persen and 69.4 persen) but different than in Sebau area (Similarity Index 24.9 persen). Jurnal Biologi Indonesia Vol. 12 No. 1. Juni 2016. P: 87-98

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