Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Two new species of Begonia, Begonia holosericeoides Ardi & D.C. Thomas and B. ak...
Two new species of Begonia, Begonia holosericeoides Ardi & D.C. Thomas and B. ak...
A new species of Begonia sageaensis Wiriadinata (Begoniaceae) from south of Mt. ...
Two new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae), Begonia gambutensis Ardi & D.C. Thomas...
Two new species of Begonia, B. lugrae Ardhaka & Undaharta and B. sendangensis Ar...
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Studies On Begonia (Begoniaceae) Of The Molucca Islands I: Two New Species On Halmahera Indonesia, And An Updated Description Of Begonia Holosericea
Two new species of Begonia, Begonia holosericeoides Ardi & D. C. Thomas and B. aketajawensis Ardi & D. C. Thomas, are described from Aketajawe Lolobata National Park, Halmahera, Indonesia. The two species belong to Begonia section Petermannia. Begonia holosericea, previously only tentatively assigned to a section, is here assigned to section Petermannia based on the examination of newly available material. Additionally, a revised description and an illustration are provided. A key to the Moluccan species of Begonia is presented. Reinwardtia, Vol. 14 No. 1. 2014. P: 19-26.