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The Physical, Mechanical and Durability Properties of Sorghum Bagasse Particlebo...

The decrease of wood supply leads to find out the alternative raw material for p...

Cellulose Fibers From Oil Palm Fronds Reinforced Polylactic Acid Composite

The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of cellulose fibers from oil pal...

Conversion Of Citronella Oil And Its Derivatives To Menthol Using Bifunctional N...

Citronella oil and its derivatives were converted to menthol in a one-pot reacti...

Isolation And Characterization Of Lignin From Alkaline Pretreatment Black Liquor...

Lignin is one of potential biopolymers that can be obtained from pretreatment of...

The Fourth Bent-toed Gecko of The Genus Cyrtodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) fro...

Cyrtodactylus petani sp. nov. is a new species of Bent-toed Gecko from Java, Ind...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Surface Modification of Cellulose from Sugarcane Bagasse Using Soybean Oil to Increase the Hydrophobicity


Cellulose fibers from sugarcane bagasse were bleached and modified by soybean oil in order to increase the hydrophobicity. The modified cellulose prepared by mising cellulose fibers with soybean oil in various quantity and ethanol as a solvent. the process was mixed using ultrasonic for 3 minutes and than was dried using oven at 110 oC for 60 minutes. Identification of the infrared spectrum confirmed that cellulose modified by 0,35 g and 0,5 g soybean oil generates signals carbonyl functional group at wavenumber 1750 cm-1. The XRD patterns indicated that degree of crystalinity from modified cellulose did not change significantly. In addition, the wettability test showed that the modified cellulose hard to dispersed in water solvent. Proceeding of Chemistry Conferences, Vol. 2. Hal. 1-5 ISSN 2541-108X

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