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Dataset Serupa
Synonymy Of The Potter Wasp Genus Philippodynerus Gusenleitner (Hymenoptera, Ves...

Philippodynerus omicroniformis Gusenleitner, 1996, the type species of the monot...

Geographic differentiation of Ganaspis xanthopoda (Hymenoptera: Figitidae), with...

This study aims to clarify geographic differentiation of Ganaspis xanthopoda and...

Revision Of The Cricket Genus Cardiodactylus (Orthoptera, Eneopterinae, Lebinthi...

The genus Cardiodactylus is the most speciose and widely distributed genus of th...

Whip Spiders Of The Genus Sarax In The Papuan Region, With Description Of Two Ne...

Three species of the genus Sarax are recognized in the Papuan region. Among them...

A New Species Group in The Genus Dichaetophora, with Descriptions of Six New Spe...

The genus Dichaetophora Duda comprises 61 described species classified into four...

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Synonymy of the potter wasp genus Philippodynerus Gusenleitner (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae) with Apodynerus Giordani Soika, with taxonomic notes on Apodynerus species


Philippodynerus omicroniformis Gusenleitner, 1996, the type species of the monotypic potter wasp genus Philippodynerus Gusenleitner, 1996, is a synonym of Apodynerus gregarioides (Giordani Soika, 1986), and consequently Philippodynerus Gusenleitner, 1996 is synonymized under Apodynerus Giordani Soika, 1993. Taxonomic notes on Apodynerus species are given, including two new synonymies for Apodynerus troglodytes troglodytes (de Saussure, 1856): A. t. karimonensis (van der Vecht, 1937), syn. n. and A. t. baliensis (Giordani Soika, 1987), syn. n. A synoptic key to species and a revised species checklist are provided.Keywords: Potter wasps, Vespidae, Eumeninae, Apodynerus, Philippodynerus, new synonymy Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 2014, 36, 131-151.

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