Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Suhu dan Kelembaban Udara Menurut Bulan Kabupaten Kubu Raya 2020
Suhu Udara dan Kelembaban Udara Menurut Bulan di Kota Tegal 2021
Rata-rata Suhu dan Kelembaban Udara Menurut Bulan di Kota Semarang 2017
Suhu dan kelembaban udara sangat erat hubungannya, karena jika kelembaban udara ...
The use of C. tropicalis cell as a tool to evaluate antioxidant property of gree...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Tabel Hidup Amblyseius Deleoni Mume Et Denmark Yang Diberi Pakan Polen Teh Pada Suhu Dan Kelembaban Kamar
Mites are the most widespread and most serious pest of tea plantations. Several predator mites are identified, Amblyseius deleoni Muma et Denmark is teh dominant predaceous mite. The aim of this study were to asses development time, survivorship, fecundity and reproduction potential of Amblyseius deleoni which fed on tea pollen at the room temperature and humidity. The materials of this study were A. deleoni and tea pollen and used survey with purposive sampling method during September 2004 to February 2005, take place in Krajan Pekuncen and in the Laboratorium of Entomology and Parasitology, Biology Faculty of Jenderal Soedirman University Purwokerto. Results showed that A. deleoni have development time from egg to ovipotition during 15 days. Survivorship for the egg 96,7 persen, larva 86,2 persen, nimfa 72 persen and preovipotition 94,4 persen. Based on life table known that net reproduction rate (Ro) of A. deleoni is 12,31 females/female, intrinsic rate of increase (rm) is 0,12 and finite rate of increase (λ) is 1,13 females/female/days. Widyariset. Vol. 9 No. 4 2006 P: 269 - 277 ISSN: 1411-7932