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Phylogenetic relationships within Cockatoos (Aves: Psittaciformes) based on DNA ...

Some previous authors have made grouping and evolutionary relationships of cocka...

Mitochondrial DNA Variation of the Sumatran Elephant Populations in Sumatera, In...

Genetic analysis of Mitochondrial DNA diversity in Sumatran elephant (Elephas ma...

Phylogenetic Relationships Of Megophryid Frogs Of The Genus Leptobrachium (Amphi...

By investigating genealogical relationships, we estimated the phylogenetic histo...

Phylogeny of Litsea (Lauraceae) Inferred from Sequences the Chloroplast Genes ma...

Hubungan kekerabatan (filogenetik) Litsea dan marga-marga yang berdekatan (Actin...

The Phylogenetic Relationship Among Varieties of Lansium domesticum Correa Based...

Lansium domesticum Corr. with vernacular name in Indonesian duku has been report...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

The DNA Sequence Performance of COI Gene in White Cockatoos (Cacatua, Psittaciformes)


Performance of nucleotide sequencing of 807-bp segments of mitochondrial c cytochrome oxidase I (COI) was analyzed to study the relationship and grouping of six species of white cockatoos: Cacatua galerita, C. sulphurea, C. alba, C. moluccensis, C. sanguinea, and C.goffini. Two species (Aprosmictus erythropterus and Prioniturus platurnus) were used as outgroups in this study. The sequences contained a mean composition of 25.9 % tymine, 30.8 % cytosine, 26.0 % adenine, and 17.4 % guanine. Based on Kimura 2-parameter analyses, the genetic distance between individuals within a species (intraspecific) ranged from 0.0000 (C. alba) to 0.0026 ± 0.0012 (C. galerita) and the genetic distance between individuals of different species ranged from 0.0299 ± 0.0057 (C. sulphurea vs C. galerita) to 0.0991 ± 0.0120 (C. moluccensis vs C. sanguinea). Sequence variations and haplotypes were found in Cacatua. In total, 196 (%) variable sites were identified with 189 sites being parsimoniously informative. Neighbor-joining (NJ) and maximum parsimony (MP) analyses showed two main groups in Cacatua: (C. sanguinea + C. goffini), and (C. alba + C. moluccensis) + (C. galerita + C. sulphurea). Treubia, Vol. 37. Hal. 1-14 ISSN 0082-6340

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