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Carboxymethylation of Microfibrillated Cellulose to Improve Thermal and Mechanic...

Composite of polylactic acid (PLA) reinforced with microfibrillated cellulose (M...

Thermal and Mechanical Properties Improvement of Polylactic Acid-Nanocellulose b...

Microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) is nano-sized cellulose fibers which have high ...

Esterification of Microfibrillated Cellulose with Various Anhydrides to Improve ...

Microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) has been discovered as reinforcement for polyla...

Utilization of Sweet Sorghum Bagasse and Citric Acid Formanufacturing of Particl...

Recently, the investigation of wood-based composites produced using agricultural...

Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Polylactic Acid with The Addition of Tria...

This research aims to study the effect of the addition of diethylene glycol dibe...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

The Effect of Dhiethylene Glycol Dibenzoate and Triacetine to The Thermal Properties and Crystallinity of Polylactic Acid


This research aims to study the effect of the addition of Diethylene glycol dibenzoate (DEDB) on the thermal properties and the degree of crystallinity of polylactic acid (PLA). Triacetine used as comparison. PLA was mixed by organic solvent, Dichloromethane, using magnetic stirrer for 2 hours and added by 0wt persen, 5wt persen, 10wt persen and 20wt persen plasticizers for 5 minutes. All of samples was hot pressed at 180C by 8 ton load for 5 minutes. Molecular interaction between polilactic acid and the plasticizers observed by FTIR testing, thermal properties and crystallinity of polylactic acid observed with DSC testing and confirmation by XRD. Annealing treatment given to see the rate of crystallization of polylactic acid after the addition of plasticizer. The result, 20wt persen diethylene glycol dibenzoate decrease polylactic acid thermal properties with Tg values from 46,5C to 21,1C, Tcc from 112,8C to 84,6C, Tm from 170,6C to 160C, and the degree of crystallinity from 5,05 persen 17,20 persen. Addition 20wt persen Triacetine change polylactic acid thermal properties with Tg values from 46,5C to 32,4C, Tcc from 112,8C to 88,4C, Tm from 170,6C to 163,1C and the degree of crystallinity from 5,05 persen to 15,05 persen. Proceeding Book II Bio Energy Chemicals Materials (BioEnChe), p: 411-424 ISSN: 2354-5917

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