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Economic Botany In Indonesia From The Herbarium Amboinense To The Plant Resource...

The earlist records of Javanese plants were carved in the reliefs of the Borobud...

The Diversity of Terrestrial Araceae in Mt. Watuwila Complex, South-East of Sula...

The arums comprise the family of Araceae, including the numerous aroids subfamil...

Biodiversity inventory and informatics in Southeast Asia

Rapidly changing land use in Southeast Asia threatens plant diversity, and reduc...

Ethnobiological Study of the Plants used in the Healing Practices of an Indigeno...

Documentation of indigenous knowledge through ethnobotanical information is very...

The Population Condition and Availability of Feed of Cuscus in the Arfak Mountai...

The cuscus is a pouched marsupial grouped in the Phalangeridae family, which is ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

The Inventory of Medical Plants in Lambusango Wildlife Reserve, Southeast Sulawesi


Lambusango Wildlife Reserve is one of the lowland rain forest ecosystem on the Buton Island, Southeast Sulawesi. Lambusango Wildlife Reserve has the potential of endemic flora and fauna is quite high due to an isolated location by the sea and located in the Wallacea region. Among the many plants found in the forest areas, there are many species which have potency as medicinal plant. The purpose of this research was to inventory the medicinal plants that found in Lambusango Wildlife Reserve. The method of this research is explorative. The results showed that about 101 species from 56 families which found in this area have potency as medicinal plant. Almost all of the plants found growing wild in the forest. They consist of shrubs, climbers and trees. Families with the most species are Apocynaceae (5 species), Caesalpiniaceae (5 species), Euphorbiaceae (6 species), Sapindaceae (5 species), and Verbenaceae (4 species). The people around the area do not tend to use these species as medicine in their daily lives. International Seminar Proceedings Forests & Medicinal Plants for better human welfare, Bogor 10-12 September 2014. Hal. 317-332 ISBN 978-979-3819-87-7

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