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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Beneficiation of Low Grade Manganese Ores

Manganese ores were found as small deposits scattered in many places of Indonesi...

Leaching Behavior of Lateritic Grade Ore from Sulawesi

Low grade ore is a by-product of the laterite ore mining and processing. This ki...

Leaching Behavior of Lateritic Grade Ore from Sulawesi

Low grade ore is a by-product of the laterite ore mining and processing. This ki...

The Diversity of Terrestrial Araceae in Mt. Watuwila Complex, South-East of Sula...

The arums comprise the family of Araceae, including the numerous aroids subfamil...

A new Bent-toed gecko (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the Mekongga Mountains, South ...

We describe Cyrtodactylus hitchi sp. nov., a new species of Bent-toed Gecko from...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

The Processing of Low Grade Nickel Ore from South East Sulawesi


The deposit of nickel ore in Indonesia is very abundant. High grade ore has been being processed to produce ferronickel, but low grade nickel ore is still left as by product without being processed. This kind of ore has been attempted to be processed through atmospheric leaching and carbon reduction, separately. In atmospheric leaching process, it is found that iron and nickel can be separated from other minerals through leaching in acid media. The performance of process is influenced by certain process variables such as temperature and acid concentration. At high temperature and high acid concentration, at least 80 persen of nickel and 95 persen of iron can be extracted in less than 3 hours. The recovery profile of nickel and iron are similar. Nickel and iron extraction increase with an increase in acid concentration and temperature. Another type of process, reduction smelting, results in sponge iron that can be smelted to produce iron-nickel alloy. The ore was reduced by carbon at temperature range of 800 - 1200 oC. The progress of reduction reaction between oxide minerals and carbon depends on reduction temperature. At high temperature, the reduction reaction takes place rapidly. The reduced ores was smelted to obtain iron-nickel alloy. Proceeding of MRS-Id Meeting 2014

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