Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Application of organic biofertilizer is rising due to enhancement in nutrient up...
Indonesia is very well known as one tropical state in the faunistic centre accor...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi Pustakawan terkait Layanan Da...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi Pustakawan terkait Layanan Da...
Cryogenic equipment is used especially for the research on superconductors as th...
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The Synergy Of Biochar, Compost And Biofertilizer For Development Of Sustainable Agriculture
To initiate the decomposition process need decomposer inoculants and an easily available nutrient asC sources (sugar, carbohydrate) and N sources (protein, N inorganic fertilizer). Fresh organic materials aresuitable sources for all nutrient needed. Cattle manure or Urea is important N sources for the initiation ofcomposting process. Charcoal – Ash is referring the entire remnants of a wood/bamboo burning fire. Inreality, what remains after a typical fire in a bamboo or wood burning stove or fireplace is both ash andcharcoal. Both ash and charcoal can offer tremendous benefits to the compost and garden soil. In order toenhance the decomposition processes and its quality of compost, addition of other valuable materials arenecessary. Therefore preliminary study of synergy of biochar for composting was conducted. The fieldexperiments were conducted in Terantang village, Sampit-Central Kalimantan and laboratory analysis wereconducted in the laboratory of ecology and physiology of microorganisms, Reserach Center for BiologyCibinong. The parameters measured were the number of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria after compostingand the C/N ratio of the compost. Those all parameters were compared with natural composting (control).The significant higher number of PGPR and better quality of final compost of treated biochar were observed.In this paper, more detail the effect of biochar on composting, its quality of compost and their effect onsorghum nursery will be discussed The 3rd International Conference on Biological Science 2013 (The 3rd ICBS-2013); ISSN 2413-0877 Volume 2 (2015) 677-681