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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Eight new species of Rainbowfishes (Melanotaeniidae) from the Birds Head Region,...

Eight new species of Rainbowfishes are described from the Birds Head region by c...

Melanotaenia Sneideri, A New Species Of Rainbowfish (Melanotaeniidae) From West ...

A new species of melanotaeniid rainbowfish, Melanotae- nia sneideri, is describe...

Melanotaenia Flavipinnis, A New Species Of Rainbowfish (Melanotaenidae) From Mis...

A new species of melanotaeniid rainbowfish, Melanotaenia flavipinnis, is describ...

Three new species of Lentipes from Indonesia

Three new species of Lentipes (L. argenteus, L. ikeae and L. mekonggaensis), fre...

Four New Species of Rainbowfishes (Melanotaeniidae) from Arguni Bay, West Papua,...

Four new species of Rainbowfishes are described from the Arguni region. These sp...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Three New Species Of Rainbowfishes (Melanoteniidae) From The Birds Head Peninsula, West Province, Indonesia


Three new species of melanotaeniid rainbowfishes are described from fresh waters of the Birds Head Peninsula, West Papua Province, Indonesia. Melanotaenia ericrobertsi is described from 41 specimens, 18.4-52.1 mm SL, from the upper Kladuk River system. It was first collected in 1982 and included among the type series of M. irianjaya. However, recent genetic evidence reveals it is a distinct species, closely related to Melanotaenia from nearby drainages including M. ajamaruensis, M. boesemani, M. fasinensis, and two additional new species described in this paper, M. laticlavia and M. multiradiata. Melanotaenia laticlavia is described on the basis of 6 specimens, 33.7- 69.6 mm SL from Aifuf Creek, and M. multiradiata from 23 specimens, 37.4-122.5 mm SL from Sisiah Creek. These Birds Head species are primarily distinguished on the basis of distinctive adult male colour patterns and cytochrome b genetic analysis. However, M. laticlavia ex- hibits two separate patches of vomerine teeth, an unusual melanotaeniid feature, and M. multiradiata has a relatively high pectoral-fin ray count (> 90 persen with 15 rays or more). Aqua Vol. 20 No. 3. P: 139-158.

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