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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Four New Species of Rainbowfishes (Melanotaeniidae) from Arguni Bay, West Papua,...

Four new species of Rainbowfishes are described from the Arguni region. These sp...

Eight new species of Rainbowfishes (Melanotaeniidae) from the Birds Head Region,...

Eight new species of Rainbowfishes are described from the Birds Head region by c...

Two New Species of Leptomedusae From The Bitung Strait, Indonesia (CNIDARIA)

Samples of Hydroidomedusa were collected from the Bitung Strait, Indonesia Sea (...

Two New Species of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia

Two new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae), Begonia gambutensis Ardi & D.C. Thomas...

Melanotaenia Sneideri, A New Species Of Rainbowfish (Melanotaeniidae) From West ...

A new species of melanotaeniid rainbowfish, Melanotae- nia sneideri, is describe...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Two New Species Of Freshwater Gudgeons (Eleotridae: Morgurnda) From The Arguni Bay Region Of West Papua, Indonesia


Two new species of Mogurnda are described from the Ar- guni Bay region of West Papua, Indonesia. Mogurnda argu- ni, new species is described from 80 specimens, 17.5-92.1 mm SL, collected from a small tributary of the Togarni Riv- er in the northeastern reaches of the Arguni Bay drainage. It is most similar to M. magna from the Triton Lakes (lying about 80 km southeast) and M. mbuta, from the Etna Bay region (about 120 km southeast). The main differences con- sist of a smaller head, longer pelvic fins, longer caudal fin, fewer predorsal scales and a much smaller size in M. arguni in comparison with M. magna. Most of these differences are also shared with M. mbuta, which exhibits pronounced modal differences in number of pectoral-fin rays (78 persen with 16 rays vs. 48 persen in M. arguni) and slightly higher number of rakers on the lower limb of the first gill arch. Mogurnda kaimana, new species is described from 38 specimens, 11.5- 110.2 mm SL, collected from Lake Furnusu, a small moun- tain lake 15 km northeast of Kaimana. It is most similar to M. pardalis from the Triton Lakes but differs in lateral and predorsal scale counts, body depth, head length, interorbital width, pelvic-fin length, and caudal-peduncle length. In ad- dition, preserved specimens of M. kaimana are uniformly dark compared to the lighter mottled pattern of M. pardalis. Aqua, Vol. 20 No. 2. 2014. P: 97-110

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