Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Tanur tiup atau Blast furnace merupakan peralatan yang penting dalam pembuatan b...
Sesuai dengan perkembangan industri produksi pengecoran dan pemakainnya yang ter...
Persatuan bangsa-bangsa (PBB) memasukkan Indonesia ke dalam 10 besar negara-nega...
Buku Profil Kesehatan Kabupaten Lampung Tengah ini memuat informasi dan data ten...
Kapasitas Layanan Pelatihan Kerja di Balai Latihan Kerja (UPT BLK) Kejujuran
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Upaya Pengoperasionalan Kembali Tanur Tiup Di Upt. Balai Pengolahan Mineral Lipi Lampung
Blast Furnace smelting iron ore UPT. BMPL is the first and the only one blast furnace which have built and operated in Indonesia. Start construction in 1983 and can be operating with success. Once halt and then do several renovation phase until 2008 then to do the retrial run for four week operation. Blast furnace 25 ton/day capacity produce pig iron which it\'s one of main raw material steel-iron making. This time Indonesia steel-iron consumption is so high. Through Indonesia have a lot enough mineral resources, but then a matter of fact the effort for the mineral processing is still minimum. People or mining industries tend to sell directly/export the mineral product without able to increase the add value from the that mineral.By Center government supported UU Minerba is existence, which limited to direct export the mineral resources, This mineral can be processed and level up beforehand until it have add value and economical value. Local government need to be involved which have territory autonomy, where Bupati play a part in development infrastructure support and license process, along with private sector which support business finance.Several effort which have done are speed up the start up time to 4-5 day, addition sponge iron bait, induction furnace utilization, where the hot metal from the blast furnace can directly turn in at it then added the certain alloy until produce the casting product with high quality and value, ferromanganese making, and the facility that we have integrated and then making up the legal aspect. According to the calculation that we have made, with cost of capital Rp. 3,75 M operate in 60 day will got 11 persen of profit margin. If we refer to economical side, the effort of the re-operational the blast furnace smelting iron ore UPT. BMPL need full to do. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material Metalurgi, 2 Desember 2009. Hlm: 181 -188