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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Influence of Niobium or Molybdenum in Titanium Alloy for Permanent Implant Appli...

Titanium (Ti) alloy metal has been used for permanent implant in the human body....

Application of Microwave Heating in Biomass Hydrolysis and Pretreatment for Etha...

Recently, due to depletion of fossil derived energy stock in the world, there ar...

Microbial And Metabolic Profiling Reveal Strong Influence Of Water Table And Lan...

Tropical peatlands from southeast Asia are undergoing extensive drainage, defore...

Synthesis of Polyurethane/Silica Modified Epoxy Polymer Based on 1,3-Propanediol...

Studies on the synthesis of polyurethane/silica modified epoxy polymer using 1,3...

Synthesis Of Polyurethane/Silica Modified Epoxy Polymer Based On 1,3-Propanediol...

Studies on the synthesis of polyurethane/silica modified epoxy polymer using 1.3...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Utilization of MET for Functional Microbial Applications on Maize in Dry Land


Utilization of MET for Functional Microbial Applications on Maize in Dry Land. The development of agriculture in dry land is still a problem in Indonesia. The condition of unfertile soil, limited of biological resources, and shortage of water becomes limiting factor which is difficult to overcome. In the future, it would be increasingly difficult condition in line with climate change. Therefore, an innovation and technology which are constantly being developed are needed to for dry land agriculture. Utilization of Microbial Entrapment Technology (MET) with bio-carrier could be a promising solution for this problem. MM and M2H is one if organic fertilizer product in tablet form using MET technology with mineral rocks and hydrogel as a carrier. The laboratory test result to maize crop proved that this formula could increase the weight of roots and vegetative seedling in the range of 50 persen - 100 persen. Proseding Seminar Nasional, Jakarta, 8 Februari 2017

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