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Morphological Variation Of Hoya Multiflora Blume At Different Habitat Type Of Bo...

Hoya multifloraBlume (Asclepiadaceae) is an Asiatic tropical epiphytiy shrub whi...

Morphological variation of Hoya multiflora Blume at different habitat type of Bo...

Hoya multiflora Blume (Asclepiadaceae) is an Asiatic tropical ephypitic shrub wh...

Phase Transformation of Limonite Nickel Ores with Na2SO4 Addition in Selective R...

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Phase Transformation of Limonite Nickel Ores with Na2SO4 Addition in Selective R...

This study aims to observe the transformations, both mineralogy and morphology o...


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Variation Pattern Of Color Reduction In Coagulation-Floculation Process By Different Coagulant Type


ABSTRAKAir gambut memiliki berbagai macam kandungan zat organik, salah satunya asam humat dan asam fulvat yang telihat dengan warna merah kecoklat-coklatan. Prasyarat intensitas warna air konsumsi yakni 15 TCU, sedangkan air gambut Sungai Sala ini sebesar 540 TCU. Proses koagulasi berpengaruh terhadap penurunan warna air gambut, namun perlu diketahui terlebih dahulu konsentrasi koagulan optimum. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan pengaruh koagulan PAC dan alumunium sulfat terhadap pola variasi penurunan warna air gambut dalam proses koagulasi sehingga diketahui dosis optimum, waktu pengendapan dan efisiensinya yang merupakan parameter kunci untuk mendesain instalasi pengolahan air gambut. Metode yang digunakan adalah jar test. Berdasarkan penelitian ini diperoleh dosis optimum koagulan PAC sebesar 180 ppm dan Alumunium sulfat 160 ppm. Efisiensi yang dihasilkan oleh PAC dalam menurunkan warna air gambut sebesar 99.63 persen (540 TCU – 2 TCU) dengan biaya yang dibutuhkan Rp 1800/hari untuk 1 m3 dan efisiensi alum sebesar 95.37 persen (540 TCU – 22 TCU) dengan biaya Rp 640/hari untuk 1 m3. Penggunaan koagulan PAC dinilai lebih efisien dan menguntungkan disbanding koagulan Alum. Karena dibutuhkan netralisasi pH air gambut jika menggunakan Alum, hal ini menambah biaya pengolahan air gambut. Sehingga koagulan PAC direkomendasikan digunakan untuk proses pengolahan air gambut pada skala intalasiKata kunci : Air gambut, koagulasi, penurunan warna, efisiensi ABSTRACTPeat water has a wide variety of organic content, one of those is humic acid and fulvic acid which seemingly brownish red color on the water. Color intensity of clean water should have 15 TCU, but peat water at Sala River have 540 TCU. Coagulation process has been known as color reduction in peat water. however the optimum coagulant dosage have to be known first. The objective of this study is determining optimum dosage, deposition time and efficiency of coagulant based on PAC and aluminum sulfate effect as coagulant to variation pattern of color reduction in peat water. Those are key parameters to design the water treatment plants. Jar test is method to measure the optimum coagulant dosage. The methode used in the coagulation process was jar test. The results showed that PAC optimum dosage is 180 ppm and aluminum sulfate optimum dosage is 160 ppm. The efficiency of PAC is 99,63 persen (Reducing from 540 TCU to 2 TCU) with 1800 IDR in a day for 1 m3 for operational costs. The efficiency of aluminum sulfate is 95,37 persen (Reducing from 540 TCU to 22 TCU) with 640 IDR in a day for 1 m3 for operational costs. PAC is more efficient and more profitable than aluminium sulfat because aluminium sulfat needs pH neutralization process so enhance operational cost in water treatment. So, PAC is recommended coagulant on instalation scale in peat water treatment plant.Key words: peat water, coagulation, color reduction,efficiency Jurnal Teknologi Indonesia Volume 37 no 3 Tahun 2014

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