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Discovery Of The Drosophila (Drosophila) Robusta Species Group (Diptera, Drosoph...

Six new species of the Drosophila robusta species group are described from South...

Diversity and abundance of frugivorous drosophilids and their parasitoids in Bog...

The diversity, abundance and association of frugivorous drosophilids and their p...

Assessment of Fitness Costs of Resistance Against the Parasitoid Leptopilina vic...

How insects evolve resistance or counterresistance against antagonists is a basi...

Late 20th century warming and and freshening in the central tropical Pacific

Global climate models and analyses of instrumental datasets provide a wide range...

A Review of Biodiversity-Related Issues and Challenges in Megadiverse Indonesia ...

Indonesia is one of the ten member states of the economically and politically di...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

What Determines Host Acceptance and Suitability in Tropical Asian Drosophila parasitoids?


For successful parasitism, parasitoid females must oviposit and the progeny must develop in individual hosts. Here, we investigated the determinants of host acceptance for oviposition and host suitability for larval development of Drosophila parasitoids from Bogor and Kota Kinabalu (1,800 km northeast of Bogor), Indonesia, in tropical Asia. Asobara pleuralis (Ashmead) from both localities oviposited frequently (60 persen) in all of the drosophilid species tested, except the strain from Kota Kinabalu oviposited rarely (10 persen) in Drosophila eugracilis Bock & Wheeler. Leptopilina victoriae Nordlander from both localities only oviposited frequently (77 persen) in species from the Drosophila melanogaster species group except D. eugracilis (3.7 persen), whereas Leptopilina pacifica Novkovic´ & Kimura from Bogor oviposited frequently (85 persen) only in species from the Drosophila immigrans species group. Thus, host acceptance appeared to be affected by host taxonomy, at least in Leptopilina species. Host suitability varied considerably, even among closely related drosophilid species, which suggests that the host suitability is at least in part independent of host taxonomy and that it has been determined via parasitoidÐhost coevolutionary interactions (i.e., arms race). Host acceptance did not always coincide with host suitability, i.e., parasitoids sometimes oviposited in unsuitable host species.Geographic origin strongly affected the host acceptance and suitability in the A. pleuralisÐD. eugracilis parasitoidÐhost pair, whereas it only weakly affected the acceptability and suitability in other parasitoidÐhost combinations. Environ. Entomol. Vol. 43 No. 1. 2014. P: 123-130

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