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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
X-ray Tomographic Analysis of the Initial Structure of the Royal Chamber and the...

The nesting biology of the drywood termite, Incisitermes minor, is poorly unders...

First Record of the Termite Ectoparasite Laboulbeniopsis termitarius Thaxter in ...

Laboulbeniopsis termitarius, an ectoparasitic fungus of termites, was harvested ...

Nest-Gallery Development and Caste Composition of Isolated Foraging Groups of th...

An X-ray computed-tomographic examination of nest-gallery development from timbe...

Anatomical Characteristics and Chemical Properties of the Branch-Wood of Schizol...

The scale of forest degradation and deforestation in Indonesia has inspired the ...

Zirconium Oxide X-ray Diffraction Data Processing By Rietveld Analysis Method

X-ray Diffraction experiment was carried out on zirconium oxide synthesized from...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Wood Anatomical Selectivity of Drywood Termite in the Nest-Gallery Establishment Revealed by X-ray Tomography


Termite nest architecture has important biological attributes, as the whole structure represents a morphological expression of the sum of behavioral patterns which relate to a better understanding of their feeding ecology. The nestgallery system of the western drywood termite, Incisitermes minor, inside naturally infested wood was visualized by X-ray computed tomography. Drywood termites are considered one-piece nesters; therefore, studying the anatomical properties of wood could increase the insight into those factors that influence the mechanisms used when the nest-gallery system is established. The interactions between the I. minor colony and environment, represented by the wood’s anatomical properties of fibers and growth rings, generate a distinctive and unique foraging pattern, which lead to selective excavation of the nest-gallery system. The results indicated that drywood termites exhibited continual adaptation to their environment as well as self-organization, similar traits of foraging and nesting biology can also be found in intermediate and separate nesters, however, at a different ecological scale. Journal of Wood Science and Technology, Vol. 50, No. 3. Hal. 631-643

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