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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Informasi Dataset




Dataset Serupa
Beneficiation of Low Grade Manganese Ores

Manganese ores were found as small deposits scattered in many places of Indonesi...

Leaching Behavior of Lateritic Grade Ore from Sulawesi

Low grade ore is a by-product of the laterite ore mining and processing. This ki...

Leaching Behavior of Lateritic Grade Ore from Sulawesi

Low grade ore is a by-product of the laterite ore mining and processing. This ki...

The Processing of Low Grade Nickel Ore from South East Sulawesi

The deposit of nickel ore in Indonesia is very abundant. High grade ore has been...

A Preliminary Study On The Effect Of Monascus Purpureus Inoculation On Melanoidi...

A preliminary study on the effect of inoculation of Monascus purpureus NGK on ch...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

A Kinetic Study on Low Grade Manganese Ore Leaching from Tanggamus Area of Lampung Province by Using Pineapple Skin Waste


A kinetic study on low grade manganese ore leaching from Tanggamus area by using pineapple skin waste in sulfuric acid condition had been conducted. The objective of this study was to find out the reaction speed controller on the leaching process. A reductive leaching was conducted in a constant temperature with 300 rpm stirring speed, 10 persen solid percentage with temperature, varying doses of pineapple skin use and sulfuric acid concentrations. The kinetic study used Shrinking Core Model (SCM) assumption where silica existing in manganese ore did not react with its solvent. The results showed that pineapple skin waste was able to use as a reduction agent in manganese ore leaching, while leaching speed controller was controlled by product diffusion reaction through unreacted cores. International Biology Conference

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