Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
We report the ornithological results of field trips in 2005 and 2007 to the Foja...
Plant distributional records are reported from Conservation International's Foja...
Rafflesia meijeri Wiriadinata & Sari spec. nov. from North Sumatra is described....
Rafflesia meijeri Wiriadinata & Sari spec. nov. from North Sumatra is described....
Rafflesia meijeri Wiriadinata & Sari spec. nov. from North Sumatra is described....
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
A New Record Of The Rheophytic Fern Osmunda Angustifolia (Osmundaceae) From Sumatra Including A New Cytological Record
Osmunda angustifolia Ching ex Ching et Wang (Osmundaceae) was, formely, known to be distributed in China (Guandong), Hainan, Hongkong, and Taiwan. Now, O. Angustifolia is reported as anewly recorded species in Sumatra. A complete morphological description with photographs is presented. It is defined as a rare species in Indonesia. A cytological record is also reported for the first time for the Sumatran species. The somatic chromosome number of root tip cells of O. Angustifolia is 2n = 44 (diploid). Buletin Kebun Raya Vol.18 No.1 Hal. 23-30. ISSN 0125-961X