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Notes on Benstonea (Pandanaceae) from the islands of Halmahera, New Guinea and S...

Benstonea (Pandanaceae) was circumscribed to include 57 species formerly placed ...

New and Significant Island Records, Range Extensions and Elevational Extensions ...

The Wallacean Region continues to be widely unexplored even in such relatively w...

New And Significant Island Records, Range Extensions And Elevational Extensions ...

The Wallacean Region continues to be widely unexplored even in such relatively w...

New records and new species of the hermit crab genus Pagurus Fabricius, 1775 (Cr...

Although Pagurus Fabricius, 1775 is the most species-rich genus in the hermit cr...

Seagrass Fishes of Coastal Area of the Lembeh strait, Bitung, North Sulawesi and...

The study of fishes found at seagrass beds in North Sulawesi has been carried ou...

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New Taxa And New Records Of Birds From The North Coastal Ranges Of New Guinea


We report the ornithological results of field trips in 2005 and 2007 to the Foja Mountains of Indonesian New Guinea. Our subsequent analysis of the avifauna of this little-studied and isolated mountain group in the context of the biogeography of New Guinea’s north coastal ranges produced the following results: (1) a new subspecies of the mouse-warbler Crateroscelis robusta from the Foja Mountains; (2) evidence that C. robusta exhibits sufficient geographic variation to warrant subdivision into two or more allospecies; (3) a distinctive new subspecies of the Goldenface Pachycare flavogriseum from the northern ranges of Papua New Guinea; (4) conclusive evidence that the ‘lost’ bird of paradise, Parotia berlepschi, inhabits the Foja Mountains; and (5) several additional taxonomic and distributional records for the Foja Mountains. Bulletin British Ornithologists\' Club Vol. 130. No. 4. 2010. P: 277-285.

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