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New records and new species of the hermit crab genus Pagurus Fabricius, 1775 (Cr...

Although Pagurus Fabricius, 1775 is the most species-rich genus in the hermit cr...

Two new species of Pseudopagurodes McLaughlin, 1997 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomur...

The pagurid hermit crab genus Pseudopagurodes McLaughlin, 1997, contains two des...

New Record and New Species of The Hermit Crab Genus Diogenes Dana, 1851 (Decapod...

A new species of hermit crab, Diogenes singaporensis, is described based on mate...

Records of the hermit crab genus Pagurixus Melin, 1939 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Ano...

The pagurid hermit crab genus Pagurixus Melin, 1939, is widely distributed in sh...

A new species of the hermit crab genus Diogenes Dana, 1851 (Decapoda, Anomura, D...

A new species of the family Diogenidae, Diogenes takedai sp. nov. is described f...

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A new species of the pagurid hermit crab genus Lophopagurus McLaughlin, 1981 (Crustacea:Decapoda: Anomura) from French Polynesia and additional records of L. indonesiensis McLaughlin, 1997 from the Philippines Anomura


Two species of the pagurid hermit crab genus Lophopagurus McLaughlin, 1981 are reported herein. Lophopagurus (Lophopagurus)minimus n. sp., described on the basis of two females from Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia, appearsclosest to L. (L.) nanus (Henderson, 1888), but is easily distinguished from the latter by the different shape of the ocularpeduncles and the less developed armature of the right cheliped. A single female from the Bohol Sea, the Philippines, isidentified with L. (Australeremus) indonesiensis McLaughlin, 1997, a species for which possible synonymy with L. (A.)triserratus has been suggested. The newly collected specimen confirms the validity of the species and represents its second record since its description. Zootaxa, Vol. 3691 No. 2 2013. P: 240-252

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