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A new species of the hermit crab genus Diogenes Dana, 1851 (Decapoda, Anomura, D...

A new species of the family Diogenidae, Diogenes takedai sp. nov. is described f...

New records and new species of the hermit crab genus Pagurus Fabricius, 1775 (Cr...

Although Pagurus Fabricius, 1775 is the most species-rich genus in the hermit cr...

A New Species of The Hermit Crab Genus Diogenes (Crustacea: Decapoda: Diogenidae...

A new diogenid hermit crab with bright-white chelae, Diogenes albimanus n. sp., ...

A new species of the pagurid hermit crab genus Lophopagurus McLaughlin, 1981 (Cr...

Two species of the pagurid hermit crab genus Lophopagurus McLaughlin, 1981 are r...

A new species of Dardanus Paulson from the Southwestern Pacific (Decapoda, Anomu...

A new species of marine hermit crabs, Dardanus holthuisi sp. nov., is described ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

New Record and New Species of The Hermit Crab Genus Diogenes Dana, 1851 (Decapoda: Anomura: Diogenidae) from Singapore


A new species of hermit crab, Diogenes singaporensis, is described based on material from Pulau Ubin, East Johor Strait, Singapore. This new species resembles D. goniochirus Forest, 1956 in having a distal protuberance or elongated ridge each on the outer surface of the palm and the carpus of the left cheliped, but easily distinguished by the presence of a median crest on the outer surface of the palm of the left cheliped and a distal spine on the dorsal surface of the fourth segment of the antennal peduncle. Two other congeneric species D. klaasi Rahayu & Forest, 1995 and D. moosai Rahayu & Forest, 1995 are recorded for the first time from Singapore waters. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement, No. 31. Hal. 182-192 ISSN 0217-2445

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