Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Combined fungal andmicrowave pretreatment is an attractivemethod to alter carboh...
Two-stage fungal pretreatment method was examined for improving the yield of mic...
Enzymatic and acid microwave-assisted hydrolysis of a newly combined biological ...
This research evaluated the effect of fungal pretreatment of betung bamboo fiber...
Laterite steels might be used for alternative armored steels. Their properties c...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
A Novel Microwave-Biological Pretreatment Effect on Cellulose and Lignin Changes of Betung Bamboo (Dendrocalamus Asper)
This study was to evaluate the effect of microwave-biological pretreatment of betung bamboo on the characteristic changes of cellulose and lignin. Chemical component analysis, FT IR spectroscopy, X-Ray diffraction, SEM-EDX analysis was used to analyze the characteristic changes after pretreatment. The microwave-biological pretreatment caused the weight loss, lignin and hemicellulose removal. FT IR spectra indicated that the microwave pretreatment for 12.5 min (330 W) with 5% inoculum loading caused loss of the absorbed O-H and conjugated C-O. This treatment also affected C-H2 scissoring motion lost in 5 and 10 min (330 W) with 5% inoculum loading. Aromatic skeletal of lignin (1605 cm-1) did not appear in microwave pretreatment for 5 and 10 min (330 W) and 10% inoculum loading. The lowest absorbance of lignin (1512 cm-1) in 5% inoculum loading was founded in pretreatment for 5 min (330 W). Absorbance Syringil propane units were lower than guiacyl moties which indicates that syringyl was more soluble than that of guiacyl. The crystallinity of cellulose in 5% of inoculum loading tends to decrease, while the 10% of inoculum loading is since versa. SEM images illustrates that the pretreatment disrupted the fiber structure (more porous and soften structure). EDX analysis shows that there was lost in minor element constituent of pretreated bamboo. Crystalline allomorph of 5, 10 and 12.5 min (330 W) with 5% inoculum loading shows Iα (triclinic) structure. Proceeding of ASEAN Conference on Science and Technology. Hal. 219-230 ISBN 978-979-799-812-7