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Digestibility of Betung Bamboo Fiber Following Fungal Pretreatment

This research evaluated the effect of fungal pretreatment of betung bamboo fiber...

Fiber Disruption of Betung Bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) by Combined Fungal and M...

Combined fungal andmicrowave pretreatment is an attractivemethod to alter carboh...

Application of Microwave Heating in Biomass Hydrolysis and Pretreatment for Etha...

Recently, due to depletion of fossil derived energy stock in the world, there ar...

A Novel Microwave-Biological Pretreatment Effect on Cellulose and Lignin Changes...

This study was to evaluate the effect of microwave-biological pretreatment of be...

10309. Fiber Qualities of Pretreated Betung Bamboo (Dendrocalamusasper) by Mixed...

Previous research on anatomical structures of pretreated large (betung) bamboo (...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Evaluation of Two-Stage Fungal Pretreatment for The Microwave Hydrolysis of Betung Bamboo


Two-stage fungal pretreatment method was examined for improving the yield of microwave hydrolysis of betung bamboo into reducing sugar. White rot fungi pretreatment caused lignin loss of biomass, whereas brown rot pretreatment depolymerized cellulose. Betung bamboo (15 g) were exposed to liquid inoculums of white rot (Phanerochaete chrysosporium) or brown rot (Fomitopsis polustris) fungi and incubated at 270C, either alone in single-stage (one fungal species applied) or two-stage (both fungal species applied in alternative succession) treatment for 30 day. Fungi grew in all treatments, and caused the weight loss of the bark-less betung bamboo. Weight loss difference depended on fungal type pretreatment, suggesting additive or inhibitory fungal interaction occurred. The highest and the lowest weight loss are brown rot-white rot fungi pretreatment with inoculums of 5% (35.92%) and white rot fungi pretreatment with inoculums of 10% (23.65%). This pretreatment combination was also had high selectivity delignification compared to the other pretreatment. Two-stage fungal treatments exhibited increasing on the yield of microwave hydrolysis. Lignin content of bamboos was not always correlated to fermentable sugar yield. Proceedings The 2nd Korea - Indonesia Workshop & International Symposium on Bioenergy from Biomass. Hal. 95-103 ISSN 2302-1454

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