Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
The understory birds’ communities in peat swamp forest of Giam Siak-Bukit Batu B...
Limestone karsts are known as reservoir of biodiversity with high level of endem...
Plant communities have been attracting many scientists due to their complexity a...
Cibodas Botanic Garden (CBG) has unique characters; almost 10% of which is fores...
Gunung Halimun - Salak National Park represents lowland rain forest ecosystem ty...
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A preliminary ethnobotanical study on useful plants by local communities in Bodogol Lowland Forest, Sukabumi, West Java
The ethnobotanical study on plants useful to local communities in the lowland forest of bodogol, Sukabumi, West Java was conducted in order to investigate the interaction between local people and the surronding conserved area and the importance of forest preservation for their daily lives. Data collection techinques includes the "walk in the wood" interview and direct observation, especially at permanent plots. The result of this current study shows that people in the bodogol lowland forest in sukabumi, west java recognise approximately 215 species that are used for various daily purposes ranging from food sources to conctruction material. Among, these plants are two rare species in Indonesia, namely pinanga javana and fibraureatinctoria. Journal of trofical biology and conservation Vol. 9 No. 1. 2012. P: 115-125