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Dataset Serupa
A Preliminary Study On The Effect Of Monascus Purpureus Inoculation On Melanoidi...

A preliminary study on the effect of inoculation of Monascus purpureus NGK on ch...

A list of the most-studied and the least studied Sulawesi mammals

The document contains a list of most and least studied Sulawesi mammals based on...

A list of the most-studied and the least studied Sulawesi mammals

The document contains a list of most and least studied Sulawesi mammals based on...

Preliminary Study of Elasticity on Binary Alloy

Apabila setiap komponen dari suatu campuran logam memiliki modulus elastisitas a...

A preliminary study on the understorey birds community in peatswamp forest of Gi...

The understory birds’ communities in peat swamp forest of Giam Siak-Bukit Batu B...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

A Preliminary Study On Pteridophyte Of Lombok: List Of The Species


The last publication on fern of Lombok that was able to be retrieved is written on 1939. The account, compiled by Dr. O. Posthomus, is listing all fern species recorded in some important herbarium, for Southeast Asia at the time, collected from the Lesser Sunda Islands. Since this publication, we have not found works to renew it. This paper present an update on the list of the pteridophyte species from Lombok, with additional information on the taxonomical status and some of their ecological preferences. 4th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation & 10th Indonesian Society for Plant Taxonomy Congress. Brawijaya University. Malang. 2013. P:173-184

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