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Dataset Serupa
Aplikasi Pupuk Organik dan Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan...

The application of organic fertilizer and biofertilizer to increase the growth o...

Keberadaan Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat Dan Aktivitas Enzim Fosfatase Tanah Daerah Per...

A study was undertaken to investigate to occurance of phosphate solubilizing bac...

Populasi, Kompatibilitas, Dan Aktivitas Enzim Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat Yang Diisol...

The research activities of isolation, population, compatibility test, salinity t...

Pengaruh Kompos yang Diperkaya Bakteri penambat Nitrogen dan Pelarut Fosfat Terh...

The use of organic materials on cultivation of vegetable crops has some advantag...

Penapisan Mikroba Penghasil Enzim untuk Biotransformasi Senyawa Nitril.

Screening of Pontential Microbes as Enzyme Producer for Nitrile Biotransformatio...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Aktivitas Enzim Pelarut Fosfat dan Efektivitas Mikroba Asal Wamena untuk Menunjang Pertanian Ramah Lingkungan pada Daerah Marginal


The activity of phosphate solubilizing enzyme and the effectivity of microbe from Wamena for support agriculture of environmental friendliness at marginal area. Phosphate dissolution of enzyme by microbial effective in compost plus from Wamena forest was stored in the freezer for 4 years, have been conducted in Ecofisiology laboratory,Microbiology devision, Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Science. This research was conducted to know the microbial affectivity and the activity of phosphate solubilizing enzyme of 20 microorganisms in inoculants stored 4 years in refrigerated room and to support soil fertility and biofertilizer agent in organic farming system. This research used plate count methode for counting the amount of microbial population, Scinner method was used toanalizer enzyme of alkaline and acid PME-ase, and statistical analysis use Duncan methode. The storage of 20 inoculants invected 20 microorganisms for 4 years in refrigerated room showed that the microbial activity still high with the amount of mean population 107 and the activity of phosphate solubilizing enzyme with mean diameter of clear zone (holozone) 1 cm – 2 cm. The effectivity and the highest activity of phosphate solubilizing enzyme were : Azotobacter indicus (A), Bacillus panthothenticus (D), Bacillus megaterium (M), Bacillus thuringiensis (O), Ceratia sp. (R), Chromobacterium lividum (G), Chromobacterium violaceum (S), Flavobacterium breve (T), Klebsiella aerogenes (H), Pseudomonas fluorescent (J), Rhizobium legurxinosarium (L), and the lowest were: Streptomyces sp. (I). Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, Vol. 11, No. 3. Hal. 481-491 ISSN 1441-318X

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