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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Informasi Dataset




Dataset Serupa
Analysis Of Distinguis hment Factor Affecting Of Fisherman Family In District Co...

Research was conducted in coastal area region of sub-district Nusaniwe which aim...

Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Role Of Women In Domestic Economy Needs Of Fis...

Women's participation in fulfilling the needs of fishermen fishing families caus...

Factors affecting the use of e-money : study on e-money user in city of South Ta...

The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the use of e-...

Factors affecting the use of e-money : study on e-money user in city of South Ta...

The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the use of e-...

Potential Roles of Biotic Factors in Regulating Zooplankton Community Dynamics ...

The dynamics in zooplankton abundance were regulated by changes in water physica...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Analysis of Distinguishment Factor Affecting of Fisherman Family in District Coast Coastal Area Nusaniwe of Ambon City


Research was conducted in coastal area region of sub-district Nusaniwe which aimed to determine the distinguishment factors that affect the income of fishermen village in Nusaniwe. The method used is qualitative descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis using multiple linear regression. Fisher’s respondent were sampled stratifically. The sampling technique used is incidental Sampling. Result of the research indicated that the nature of work and length of work per week are significant effect on the income of fishermen village in Nusaniwe, while level of education, skills exercise, land ownership, and credit facility no significant effect on the income of fishermen village in Nusaniwe. International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 07, No. 12. Hal. 17819-17821 ISSN 2230-9926

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