Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Research was conducted in coastal area region of sub-district Nusaniwe which aim...
Research was conducted in coastal area region of sub-district Nusaniwe which aim...
The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the use of e-...
The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the use of e-...
The dynamics in zooplankton abundance were regulated by changes in water physica...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Role Of Women In Domestic Economy Needs Of Fishermen Family- Case Study In Coastal Sayung Demak
Women's participation in fulfilling the needs of fishermen fishing families cause rise to the dual role of women fishing, in addition to being a housewife is also required participation in helping the economic needs of the family, on the other hand fisher woman demanded to carry out the main tasks in the household as well as possible. This study aims to (1) identify the profile of women's fishing and (2) determine the factors that affect women's economic needs of fishermen families. A total of 85 female fishers were sampled by purposive sampling. Multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the factors that affect the participation of women in the family economic needs of fishermen. Most of the fishermen in the study area women of childbearing age (55.3%) with relatively low education level of the SD (78.8%). The Number of family members of fishermen in the study are most of the 5-7 people (58.9%) with a average family income (husband plus wife) is 880,000 rupiahs. Factors that significantly influence the role of women in the economic needs of fishermen fishing families is their husband's income, the outpouring of time, level of education, number of family members and fishermen status