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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Analysis of Changes in Burning Rate Coefficient (a) on The Burning Rate of Prope...

Propellant made by LAPAN basically consists of raw materials HTPB (Hydroxy Termi...

Marine Ecology Conditions at Weda Bay, North Maluku Based on Statistical Analysi...

Analysis of foraminifera in geology, usually being used to find the age of rocks...

Marine Ecology Conditions at Weda Bay, North Maluku Based on Statistical Analysi...

Analysis of foraminifera in geology, usually being used to find the age of rocks...

State of Knowledge on Marine Palynology in Indonesia

Pollen analyses of marine sediments contribute to reconstructions of the vegetat...

State of knowledge on marine palynology in Indonesia

Pollen analyses of marine sediments contribute to reconstructions of the vegetat...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Analysis of Space Suitability Based on Marine Agriculture in The Small Islands Around Makassar


The purpose of research is to analyze the suitability of the waters and environmental carrying capacityfor utilization of marine aquaculture. Analysis of the data using conformity matrix is based on thephysical-chemical parameters of the waters. Analysis of environmental carrying capacity performed toestimate the number of units that can be supported on the cultivation potential areas. The analysis isdone by desk study approach, surveys and direct measurements. The analysis showed: (a) the condition ofthe waters of small islands around Makassar suitable for utilization of aquaculture, and (b) The waterpotential for seaweed cultivation around 110,012.6 ha, and the effective area about 243.225 ha. Broadpotential area for grouper aquaculture by floating net system is approximately 1961.3 ha, and an effectivearea approximately about 209.97 ha. The results of this analysis are expected to be useful as: (1)a material consideration in the formulation of investment policy and research, (2) a reference for thepublic and private sectors in developing of sustainable aquaculture system effort. Forum Geografi, Vol. 28, No. 1, Juli 2014: 91-102

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