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Life cycle assessment research and application in Indonesia

This dataset is the Electronic Supplementary Material for life cycle assessment ...

Watershed Modeling with ArcSWAT and SUFI2In Cisadane Catchment Area: Calibration...

Increasing of natural resources utilization as a result ofpopulation growthandec...

Biodiversity, Distribution and Abundance Of The Tropical Angguillid Eels In The ...

In order to understand biodiversity, distribution, and abundance among the tropi...

Species And Functional Diversity Of Rhizobacteria Of Rice Plant In The Coastal S...

Rhizobacteria are important components of soil and directlyor indirectly influen...

Investigation of ITS-90 Inconsistencies in Overlap Region of the Water-indium, W...

One of the significant uncertainties in Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Application of The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to Predict The Impact of Best Management Practices in Jatigede Catchment Area


Cimanuk watershed is one of the national priority watersheds for rehabilitation considering its critical condition. In this area, Jatigede Reservoir operates, which is the second largest reservoir in Indonesia, after Jatiluhur Reservoir. The reservoir performs several functions, including flood control, irrigation for 90.000 ha of rice fields, water supply of 3.500 litres per second, and power generation of 110 MW. In 2004 the Jatigede Reservoir catchment area had a critical land area of 40.875 ha (28% of the catchment area). The sedimentation rate in Cimanuk River at Eretan station shows a high rate (5.32 mm/year), which potentially decreases the function of Jatigede Reservoir. Therefore, a strategy of Best Management Practice’s (BMP’s) is required to mitigate the problem by using SWAT hydrology modelling. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of BMP’s on surface runoff and sediment yield in Jatigede Reservoir Catchment Area. Simulations were conducted using land use in 2011. The results of this study suggest that SWAT model is considered as a reasonable modelling of BMP’s simulation concerning Nash-Sutcliffe Coefficients (0.71). The simulation is using terraces, silt pit, and dam trenches as BMP’s techniques. The BMP’s application can reduce surface runoff from 99.7 mm to 75.8 mm, and decrease sediment yield from 61.9 ton/ha/year to 40.8 ton/ha/year. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 118. Hal. 1-6

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