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Dataset Serupa
Distribution of Leptocephali of the freshwater eels, genus Anguilla, in the wate...

A research cruise was conducted in the eastern Indian Ocean off west Sumatra, In...

Biodiversity of Anguilliform Leptocephali in The Central Indonesian Seas

A sampling survey for leptocephali around Sulawesi Island in the central Indones...

Biodiversity of Anguilliform Leptocephali in The Central Indonesian Seas

A sampling survey for leptocephali around Sulawesi Island in the central Indones...

Distribution of Antifouling Biocides and Perfluoroalkyl Compounds in Sediments f...

Coastal marine environments are considered to be the most sensitive areas for th...

Contrasting Patterns of Growth and Migration of Tropical Anguillid Leptocephali ...

In order to improve understanding of the larval migration and early life history...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Biodiversity, Distribution and Abundance Of The Tropical Angguillid Eels In The Indonesian Waters


In order to understand biodiversity, distribution, and abundance among the tropical anguillid eels in the Indonesian waters, inshore migration mechanism of the juvenile anguillid eel (glass eel) to the estuaries of western, central, and eastern region of Indonesian waters were examined using both morphology and genetic analyses. A total of 9 species/sub species of anguillid eels (Anguilla bicolor bicolor, A. nebulosa nebulosa, A. bicolor pacifica, A. interioris, A. borneensis, A. celebesensis, A. marmorata, A. obscura and A. megastoma) were recognized to recruit at the mouth of 15 rivers through Indonesian archipelago. Species/subspecies diversity and distribution of recruiting juveniles differs in the estuaries of each region. In the western region that represented by estuary of Krueng Aceh, Batang Antokan, Air Kertaun, Cibaliung, Citanduy, Progo, and Pacitan Rivers, three species and sub species (A. bicolor bicolor, A. nebulosa nebulosa and A. bicolor pacifica) were found. In the central region that represented by estuary of Mahakam, Palu, Dumoga, Poigar, Bone, and Poso Rivers, five species and sub species (A. borneensis, A. celebesensis, A. marmorata, A. bicolor pacifica and A. interioris) were found. In the eastern region that represented by estuary of Akelamo and Pami Rivers, four species (A. marmorata, A. interioris, A. obscura and A. megastoma) were found. During the 6 months investigation from May to October 2005, abundance of the juveniles was higher in the central region compared with western and eastern regions. These results were suggested that inshore migration mechanism of tropical anguillid eels recruiting in tropical estuaries of Indonesian waters differs among regions. Mar. Res. Indonesia Vol. 33; No.2; 2008; Halaman 129 – 137

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