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Dataset Serupa
Aspek Biologi dan Ekologi "Sand Dollars", Dendraster exentricus

Sand dollars belong to phylum echinodermata and class of echinoidea. They called...

Pollen atau serbuksari: aspek morfologi sistematika dan aplikasinya pada tumbuha...

Pollen was the important component of plant to develop through reproductive. Pol...

Kepting Uca di Mangrove Indonesia: Tinjauan Aspek Biologi dan Ekologi untuk Expl...

Pengetahuan tentang sumber daya hayati pesisir, khususnya ekosistem mangrove, sa...

Sistematika Dokumen Renja

Sistematika Dokumen Renja

Sistematika Dokumen Renstra

Sistematika Dokumen Renstra

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Aspek Biologi dan Sistematika Nudibranch


Nudibranch is one type of marine life that is interesting and has the most beautiful colors. Nudibranch is marine gastropods species that does not have a shell. In general, they are carnivores with assorted food sources. Nudibranch has a radula there vary in forms and structures. The function of radula is for food processing. The skin layer of Nudibranch contains toxic secretions and stinging cells that are used as a self defense system. The toxic substances and stinging cells are derived from preys. Almost all types of Nudibranch are hermaphrodites. The duration of larval development process and the number of larval may be vary, depend on the species. Fauna Indonesia, Vol. 10, No. 1. Hal. 22-29 ISSN 0216-9169

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