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Aspek Biologi dan Sistematika Nudibranch

Nudibranch is one type of marine life that is interesting and has the most beaut...

Peranan Morfologi Semai dalam Mengidentifikasi Jenis Tumbuhan Berhabitus Pohon

Plants inventory needs knowledge about plant identification specially specific i...

Sistematika Dokumen Renja

Sistematika Dokumen Renja

Sistematika Dokumen Renstra

Sistematika Dokumen Renstra

Variasi Morfologi Luar dan Pewarnaan pada Mata Kodok

Based on the external morphology of the eye and the color pattern of the eye; fr...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Pollen atau serbuksari: aspek morfologi sistematika dan aplikasinya pada tumbuhan keluarga mentol


Pollen was the important component of plant to develop through reproductive. Pollen was the male organ to plants that played an important role in the process of the evolution of plants. Mint family plants (the Family Lamiaceae) was one of the families who was biggest after Asteraceae. The process of the cross pollination often dominated the process of the evolution to the Mint Family. The research into the Mint Family's pollen aimed at knowing the affinity and the process of his pollination. The form of pollen morphology to the Family Lamiaceae, that is round and hexacolpate, the form that was the same as the species member with their relatives. In the process of pollination often was helped by the bee where pollen that clung to the abdomen part and the chest of the bee and moved to the other flower so as to the cross-pollination happen. The process of the cross-pollination happened also because of the existence of maturity time that was same between pollen as the male organ and the stigma surface as the female organ. The seed was still being the dominant factor in the reproductive in the Family Lamiaceae. Jurnal Sains Natural Vol. 2 No. 1 Hal. 12-16 ISSN 2086-3446

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