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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Review Of Food Security System Based On Forest Community Knowledge

Food is a part of human rights. Food security ultimately determines the dignity ...

A preliminary study on the understorey birds community in peatswamp forest of Gi...

The understory birds’ communities in peat swamp forest of Giam Siak-Bukit Batu B...

Response Of Dung Beetle Communities (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Across Gradient O...

Little is known about how antropogenic disturbance triggered the biodiversity lo...

The Impact Of Storage Times Of Museum Insect Specimens On PCR Success: Case Stud...

Museum specimens are vast repositories of genetic information of interests to bi...

Analysis of Changes in Burning Rate Coefficient (a) on The Burning Rate of Prope...

Propellant made by LAPAN basically consists of raw materials HTPB (Hydroxy Termi...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Assessing Succession Level Of The Rehabilitation Forest Based On Similarity Index Of Understory Vegetation Communities In The Wanagama Forest


Wanagama Forest is known as a pilot forest formed after rehabilitation program on critical land in Indonesia. Furthermore, most of the plant left grow naturally. Block 5 is an example of close to succession ecosystem. This study was aimed to determine the succession level of some blocks using the index of similiarity of understory vegetation community in Wanagama Forest. Six blocks were choosed as the samples consist of Block 5, 6, 13, 14 and 16, which planted with various trees and left grow naturally. Block 5 was the control of the forest that successfully reaches the succession level. The sample was taken in each blocks with plot used systematic sampling and protocol sampling (Noon, 1981). Vegetation variable proportion on each block showed the diversity of vegetation structure. Generally there were 73 species of plants under canopy, consist of 26 species of seedling, 47 species of shrub and herbs. Block 5 had 28 species of plants under canopy and approximately 40 persen of the species were seedlings. The seedling of Leucaena glauca (Important Value/IV= 42.10) and Streblus asper (IV= 16.99) dominated the area. Block 5 had the most various species and higher canopy cover. The highest Index of Similiarity of undersory vegetation to Block 5 was on Block 7 (CCBlock5= 32.57). Proceeding of International Conference on New Perspectives of Tropical Forest Rehabilitation for Better Forest Functions and Management. Faculty of Forestry Gadjah Mada University 17-19 October 2011. UGM. ISBN 979-9924-66-9

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