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Dataset Serupa
Karakaterisasi Dan Uji Aktivitas Biokontrol Bakteri Endofit Dari Lombok Terhadap...

Biokontrol merupakan salah satu alternatif yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan in...

Teknik Pengkayaan Isolasi Bakteriofag Salmonella Sp. Sebagai Agen Kontrol Terapi...

Terapi bakteriofag adalah pendekatan antimikroba yang efektif dalam bidang kedok...

Potensi Larva Trichoptera Sebagai Bioindikator Akuatik

Pengaruh aktivitas antropogenik terhadap ekosistem perairan telah mendorong berk...

Potensi Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat dan Penambat Nitrogen Sebagai Bakteri Fungsional ...

Telah dilakukan percobaan pengaruh inokulasi bakteri penambat nitrogen dan Bakte...

Seleksi Bacillus Sp. Sebagai Biokontrol Vibrio Harveyi Di Tambak Udang

Produksi udang di Indonesia mengalami penurunan sejak tahuan 1990. Faktor yang m...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Bakteri Entomopatogen sebagai Agen Biokontrol Terhadap Larva Spodoptera Litura (F.)


Spodoptera litura (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is one of the agricultural pests that attacking almost all kinds of herbaceous plants, especially vegetables. Insect control using entomopathogenic bacteria is an alternative strategy that is effective and has a lower environmental impact than the use of synthetic insecticides. The purpose of this research was to explore entomopathogenic bacteria that have insecticidal activity against S. litura larvae at various stages of instars. The result showed that 25% of total number of isolated bacteria have potency as entomopathogenic bacteria. Isolate Staphylococcus sciuri strain BLSP-3 and isolate Serratia sp. strain BLSP-4 showed the highest larvicidal activity against the first and second instar larvae of S. litura 83% and 86%, respectively. The activity against on the third instar larvae however was only by 40%. However, the mortality caused by both isolates was lower than that of Bacillus thuringiensis (more than 90% mortality to the first and second instars and 80 % of the third instar larvae). It is suggested that both of isolates are potential to be developed further as a biocontrol agent to control S. litura population. Berita Biologi, Vol. 16, No. 1. Hal. 13-21 ISSN 0126-1754

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