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Dataset Serupa
Biodiversity, Distribution and Abundance Of The Tropical Angguillid Eels In The ...

In order to understand biodiversity, distribution, and abundance among the tropi...

Contrasting biodiversity of eel larvae across the central Indian Ocean subtropic...

The unique semi-enclosed Indian Ocean basin includes large Mascarene Plateau ban...

Contrasting Biodiversity of Eel Larvae Across The Central Indian Ocean Subtropic...

The unique semi-enclosed Indian Ocean basin includes large Mascarene Plateau ban...

Inventorying The Tree Fern Genus Cibotium of Sumatra: Ecology, Population Size a...

Cibotium is one tree fern belongs to the family Cibotiaceae which is easily diff...

Validation of Otolith Daily Increments in The Tropical Eel Anguilla Marmorata

To determine the periodicity of the deposition of growth increments in the otoli...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Distribution of Leptocephali of the freshwater eels, genus Anguilla, in the waters off west Sumatra in the Indian Ocean


A research cruise was conducted in the eastern Indian Ocean off west Sumatra, Indonesia, in June 2003 to learn about the spawning and larval ecology of the tropical freshwater eels of the genus Anguilla in the region. A total of 43 anguillid leptocephali were collected during the cruise and they were genetically identified as 41 Anguilla bicolor bicolor, 1 Anguilla marmorata, and 1 Anguilla interioris. A. bicolor bicolor leptocephali were 44.1–55.5 mm TL and most of them were at the fully grown stage. Reexamination of the historical data of Jespersen (1942) also suggested a relatively low abundance of small size leptocephali (<40 mm) of this species off west Sumatra. Although the study area has long been considered to be a spawning site of A. bicolor bicolor, the distributions of leptocephali from the two surveys and the patterns of ocean currents in the region suggest the possibility that the main spawning area of this species is located farther offshore. Environ Biol Fish, Vol. 80. Hal. 445-452

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