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Biologi Konservasi Tumbuhan Holoparasit: Percobaan Kultur In Vitro Rafflesia Pat...

Rafflesia is member of a charismatic family of holoparasitic plant Rafflesiaceae...

Morfologi Buah Dan Biji Rafflesia Patma Dan R. Arnoldii

Hampir semua anggota marga Rafflesiaceae merupakan tumbuhan langka yang hanya di...

Konservasi Tumbuhan Secara Ex Situ Langkah Awal Domestikasi

Untuk menjaga ketahanan pangan nasional perlu dilakukan langkah-langkah strategi...

Studi Anatomi Endofitik Rafflesia patma di dalam Inang Tetrastigma sp.

As an endoparasite, growth and development of Rafflesia occurred inside the host...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Biologi Konservasi Tumbuhan Holoparasit: Inokulasi Biji Rafflesia Patma Secara In-Vivo


Global climatic change has been strongly implicated in the decline of many species including Rafflesia. On July 2006 tsunami hit the south-west corner of West Java causing the destruction part of the habitat of Rafflesia patma. This species have been evolved with the ecosystem in Pangandaran. Recovery program of the habitat should be put as a priority to rescue the surving population. However, many biological aspects of this species are poorly known. Rafflesia patma is member of a charismatic family of holoparasitic plant Rafflesiaceae. Inoculation of seeds of R. patma were carried out both in situ and ex-situ as part of the study of conservation biology of the species. Fresh seeds were inserted into the root and system surface of both infected and non-infected Tetrastigma spp. Although seeds were harvested after 320 and 628 days inoculation, germination haven’t yet to be occurred as expected. Germination of this species need specific requirements involving the right interaction between the environmental condition and physiological state of either host and Rafflesia seeds. Unfortunately this was not occurred along the course of the experiment. Prosiding Konservasi Flora Indonesia dalam Mengatasi Dampak Pemanasan Global. Bali, 14 Juli 2009. Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali. Hal. 472-475 ISBN 978-979-799-447-1

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