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Biologi Konservasi Tumbuhan Holoparasit: Inokulasi Biji Rafflesia Patma Secara I...

Global climatic change has been strongly implicated in the decline of many speci...

Morfologi Buah Dan Biji Rafflesia Patma Dan R. Arnoldii

Hampir semua anggota marga Rafflesiaceae merupakan tumbuhan langka yang hanya di...

Perbanyakan Kultur In-Vitro Cymbidium Hartinahianum

Cymbidium hartinahianum di habitat aslinya terancam punah, oleh sebab itu dilaku...

Aklimatisasi Dini Prothalus Tumbuhan Paku Bahan Obat (Cibotium Barometz) Hasil K...

Cibotium barometz, one of the members of the Cibotiacea family, is potentially a...

Upaya Perbanyakan Anggrek Cymbidium Hartinahianum Secara Kultur In Vitro

Cymbidium hartinahianum with common name anggrek Tien Soeharto or anggrek hartin...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Biologi Konservasi Tumbuhan Holoparasit: Percobaan Kultur In Vitro Rafflesia Patma dan R. Meijerii


Rafflesia is member of a charismatic family of holoparasitic plant Rafflesiaceae. While recovery program of the habitat should be put as priority to rescue the remnant population, many biological aspects of this species is poorly known. As part of the study of conservation biology of this species, assessment on the regeneration capacity of Rafflesia is required. In-vitro culture of Rafflesia spp was carried out to assess vegetative capacity of these species. Explants were taken from young buds of R.patma and R. meijerii while half strength of Murashige & Skoogs was provided to use as a growing medium. Growth were observed in 2 explants out of 11 samples of R. patma before contamination occurred and made this experiment terminated. Growth were observed in 2 explants out of 11 samples of R. patma before contamination occurred and made this experiment terminated. During the course of the experiment, discus derived explant of R.meijerii didn’t show any sign of growth. Prosiding Konservasi Flora Indonesia dalam Mengatasi Dampak Pemanasan Global. Bali, 14 Juli 2009. Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali. Hal. 158-161 ISBN 978-979-799-447-1

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