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Dataset Serupa
Zooplankton Spatial Distribution and Community Structure in Banggai Sea

Banggai Sea is an interesting ecosystem due to mixing influences from Banda Sea ...

Seagrass community structure of Tayando-Tam Island, Southeast Moluccas, Indonesi...

Seagrass community structure of Tayando-Tam Island, Southeast Moluccas, Indonesi...

Community Structure of Phytoplankton in Bolinao Channel, Pangasinan, The Philipp...

A field study had been conducted along the Bolinao channel. In this study, field...

Genetic Structure of Culcita sp. Pincushion Seastar in The Coral Triangle

From the Coral Triangle, which is the global centre of marine biodiversity, spec...

Geochemical Evidence Of Island-Arc Origin In Volcanic Rocks Of Central Sumatera

Geochemical study on volcanic in Lampung and Bengkulu regions proposed a preposi...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Community Structure Of Mushroom Coral (Fungiidae) In Banggai Island , Central Sulawesi


Mushroom coral is one of the component of hard coral family in ordo Scleratinia where this life was free living on substrate. Structure community of mushroom coral study in the waters of the Banggai Archipelago in Central Sulawesi province has not been done much. Observation on community structure of mushroom coral at Banggai Archipelago waters was conducted on July 2011. The purpose of this study to determine the species composition, diversity, evenness, density and dominance species of musrhoom coral.The method used in this research is belt transects that made parallelly extended to the shoreline with the size of 100 x 3 m2. Mushroom coral species observation done visually by counting the number of species. It was found 27 species belong to 10 genus of mushroom corals. The highest diversity index (H) was 1,19 at station 9 and the minimum was 0,95 at station 4. The highest avenness index (j) was 0,69 at station 3 and the minimum was 0,44 at station 8. The highest dominance index (D) was 0,14 at station 7 and minimum was 0,08 at station 6. Identification results shows that there are 5 species of mushroom coral found in the 9 station, which is Fungia concinna, F. repanda, F. fungites, F. costulata and Herpolita limax. Jurnal Ilmiah Platax Vol. 3 No. 2 Edisi Juli - Desember 2015 ISSN: 2302-3589

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