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Dataset Serupa
Community Structure Of Mushroom Coral (Fungiidae) In Banggai Island , Central Su...

Mushroom coral is one of the component of hard coral family in ordo Scleratinia ...

Phytoplankton Community Structure and Other Related Eutrophication Indications i...

Lake Batur is the largest lake in Bali and a volcanic crater lake. Local people ...

Daily Migration and Contribution of Calanoida Zooplankton to Scattering Volume i...

The study aims to analyze daily migration of zooplankton in Banda Sea and contri...

Spatial Distribution Of Polychaeta (Annelida) Of Natuna Island, South China Sea

Kepulaun Natuna terletak dia wilayah laut Indonesia bagian barat, Kepulauan ini ...

Herpetofaunal Community Structure and Habitat Associations in Gunung Ciremai Nat...

Community structure and habitat associations of amphibians and reptiles on both ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Zooplankton Spatial Distribution and Community Structure in Banggai Sea


Banggai Sea is an interesting ecosystem due to mixing influences from Banda Sea in the west and Maluccas Sea in the east. Therefore, a unique zooplankton community structure and specific distribution pattern should be found in this area. This research was carried on using Baruna Jaya VIII research vessel and samples were collected in 14 sampling stations. Vertical towing using NORPAC plankton net (300 μm) was conducted to collect zooplankton samples. Result showed that inner Mesamat Bay had the lowest abundance of zooplankton, probably due to low water quality resulted from anthropogenic activity. Meanwhile the strait between Liang and Labobo Island had the highest zooplankton abundance in Banggai Sea. Calanoids was the dominant zooplankton taxa in the ecosystem and contributing 55.7% of total density of zooplankton community. The highest importance value made this taxa to be very important factor that regulates the lower trophic level organisms. Results also showed that zooplankton was distributed nearly uniform in eastern but aggregated to several stations in western Banggai Sea. Zooplankton abundance was higher in the central of Banggai Sea, compared to western and eastern area. According to Bray-Curtis clustering analysis the strait between Liang and Labobo Island has unique zooplankton community structure. This might happened due to mixing of water from two highly productive seas that influenced the Banggai Sea ecosystem. From this research we conclude that this strait probably was the zooplankton hot spot area which might also indicate that this area also a hot spot of fishes in the Banggai Sea. Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, Vol. 4, No. 2. Hal. 247-258

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